Prairies and Plains is in its beginning stages. If you are interested in becoming a contributor and having a role in shaping the project -- in helping decide about how the project should be organized, what should be included or omitted, how the classification should be arranged -- We invite you to write the General Editor. It will be helpful if you have had formal training in Plains history, or are associated with an institution -- a university or a library -- in the Prairies and Plains region, since those institutions are most likely to hold materials relating to the region. But the principal requirement is a firm interest in the Prairies and Plains; for that there is no replacement. We would like a mix of librarians and faculty, and need individuals with training in various disciplines, literature to zoology.

Send your inquiry to the General Editor, Robert Balay, at

prairiesandplains at gmail dot com (sorry about spelling it out, a anti spam measure)

If convenient, attach your current vita, but if you do not have it in current or presentable shape, write anyway. Formalities can follow later. Look on it as an opportunity to join the honorable company of P&P contributors.